Birth Of NeW LovE...

I watched her day i watched her night

helped the window by my side,

my pen and paper sang many a songs,

tunes of life helped me riveted at her sight,

she wasn't a symbol of the modern beauty by any means,

but it made my heart buy some creamy scenes,

fool or a foul was not her middle name,

nor were her words, false and lame,

crowded was the night when we first met,

i felt as if she was a star and i was bathing in sunset,

not a word of love did we preach and discuss,

for it was innocence and simplicity that binded us not caress,

we helped ourselves to silence after a boring talk,

i felt as though parting of a sudden thirsty feeling had taken me down,

but still today i feel the same love for her,

whether it is parting of souls or birth of a new love.


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