Could You Further Your Career With A Mentoring Relationship

For many starting out on a career path can prove to be incredibly frustrating: they know they have the knowledge to succeed and make it to the very top of their profession, but they havent got the experience under their belts which will prove to those that matter that they really have what it takes. This hard fact applies right across the board: no matter how driven and determined an individual they might like to think they are, they wont be able to conquer the world on their own.
So, what can people who are facing this problem do? Well, probably the wiser course is to get a career mentor. Professional mentors know exactly what youre going through, having been there and done that themselves. Theyll understand your frustrations, and theyll be able to apply their knowledge and experience to help you overcome these difficulties.
The best part of all is that mentors will be able to share their wisdom, and help you avoid many of the problems and difficulties they themselves faced early in their careers. Although people can learn from their own mistakes, theres no necessity to follow this path. In a sense, mentors already took the hit, so new career starters wont have to. Career mentors can help to turn hindsight into foresight.

 How will a mentoring relationship help to further your career?

 Mentors will be willing to share their wisdom, knowledge, skills and expertise with you. Theyll be pillars of their own industry with a vast number of contacts. They will be open doors that might otherwise remain closed. Mentors will help you develop a positive outlook on business life, and be able to help to use this positivity productively. They will be genuinely concerned about you and your success, and use all their skills and experience to help you flourish.
 Mentors will unquestionably be empathic, but they wont be afraid to give you the occasional kick up the backside when circumstances merit it.Sometimes the short, sharp shock is exactly whats needed.
 Mentors have been in your position themselves. Theyve experienced the problems youre likely to face but have overcome them through determination and drive. Theyll be respected in their industries for that. Mentees can gain great credibility through association.
 Mentors never accept their lot. They keep growing themselves, and are for ever curious and inquisitive. They will pass on this thirst for knowledge to mentees. Mentors will always give direct, constructive feedback. Yes, they will hold their mentees to high standards, but will always be quick to congratulate success.
 Mentors will have always sought out and valued the opinions of other experts in their field. Whatever information they pass on to you will be accepted and trusted throughout the industry. A good career mentor can make a huge difference to your career success. They can help you to achieve more sooner. It may be a clich, but clichs are generally born out of truth. A good mentor:

 Motivates you to accomplish more than you think you think you can
 Expects the best from you
 Never gives up on you or lets you give up on yourself
 Tells you the truth  even when it hurts
 Occasionally kicks you into action
 Really cares about you and your success


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